Daily photoshoots combined with printing contact sheets and stimulating review sessions about your photography. Images © Angus Taverner
This is the first of a series of workshops that aims to take you to the very heart of your photography. It does so by breaking down the process into individual elements – for this workshop we will focus on the insights to be gained from working with contact sheets.
Location: Open Studio Workshop Centre
Dates: Oct 31 – Nov 6 , 2022
Cost: £1960
To book…
What makes your photography unique? How do you create images that stand out from the crowd? These can be hard questions to answer if the only person you’re asking is yourself.
The aim of this small group workshop is to offer fresh perspectives and invaluable insights into your image making. The way we aim to offer this is simple, yet highly effective, and it’s great fun – through daily location shoots, followed by making enlarged contact sheets and having group discussions around them.
Looking through your contact sheets, we will talk about what inspired you to make the images, discuss your approach, look at your techniques, highlight key images, explore the reasons for their success, examine other images that don't work as well and ask ourselves why not.
The insights and inspiration you get from each session can be taken out on location for the next shoot, and then again for the next, and so on… And, of course, you will take what you’ve learned back home after the workshop both as a set of contact sheets and also in notebook form, into which you can put selected contact prints alongside handwritten insights and observations.
The end result? A much clearer, much greater, infinitely more tangible understanding of you, your photography and what makes both unique.
In preparation for the workshop:
To help you to get the maximum benefit from this workshop we will arrange a 1:1 telephone call with you beforehand to discuss your practice and your expectations from the workshop. As part of the preparation for the workshop, we will also be sending you a copy of Magnum Contact Sheets and will ask you to choose a number of photographers whose work you would like to discuss during the week.
Post workshop mentoring:
After a workshop everyone leaves feeling inspired and much better informed, but typically we go back to working by ourselves and problem solving on our own. This isn’t always the most productive or creatively inspiring way to work. Our intention is therefore to offer ongoing support in the form of one-2-one mentoring, to help you with whatever projects you are working on or deal with whatever practical issues you may help resolving.
The mentoring will take the form of bookable by-the-hour phone, or Zoom video sessions, during which we screen share. We will have an on-line calendar that you can use to book a session or a group of sessions at the listed available time slots.
Full details, including the price, to follow shortly. Meanwhile, do email us if you want further information.